Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kirkland brand beer.

I was ready not to like it because it was from Kirkland. But I was surprised by the taste and loved it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

World's Best Lemon Drop

Ingredients :
a dash of Orange Liquor (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, GranGala or any other)
1 shot Vodka (Ketel One , Vox or any other good vodka)
1 shot of Lemon Juice (fresh)
1 shot of Corn Syrup
1 shot of Triple Sec
powdered sugar

Mix together vodka, lemon juice, corn syrup, triple sec and orange liquor with lots of ice in a shaker.
Rub a little bit of the lemon juice on the tip of the glass and invert them in the sugar powder so as to cover the rim with powdered sugar.
Slowly pour the drink from the shaker into the glass. Decorate it with half a slice of lemon or a cherry.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Polar Venezuelan Beer

Venezuelan Lager
Dec 2009

Balashi Beer

Local Aruba beer
like a Dutch pilsner
Dec 2009

Borgoe Rum

Various Borgoe rums from Suriname.
38% by vol
enjoyed with ice in a tall glass.

Parbo Beer

Dec 2009
Local Suriname lager.
5%by vol.
Parbo is an abbr. for Paramaribo which is the capital city of Suriname.

Serengeti Wheat Ale from Mac and Jack's brewery

Serengeti Wheat Ale.

from Redmond, Washington.
Winter Seasonal ale,